Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Introduction to Consumer Behavior Essay

The totality of an individual’s thoughts and feelings about oneself Lifestyle How one lives, including the products one buys, how one uses them, what one thinks about them, and how one feels about them Situations and Consumer Decisions Consumer decisions result from perceived problems and opportunities. Consumer problems arise in specific situations and the nature of the situation influences the resulting consumer behavior Perception The nature of Perception- pg 278-279, Figure 8-1 Information Processing is a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored. Exposure- pg 279-283 Exposure Occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person’s relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves. Exposure provides consumers with the opportunity to pay attention to available information but in no way guarantees it. Types of Exposure 1) Selective Exposure The highly selective nature of consumer exposure is a major concern for marketers, since failure to gain exposure results in lost of communication and sales opportunities. Responses to Selective Exposure Product Placement: Branded goods or services are placed in a context usually devoid of ads, such as movies, music videos, the story line of television shows or new programs. Ex) Transformers’ and LFO’s Summer girls music video. Pop-up Ads Outdoor Display. Ex) M&M’ painted on concrete steps and money inside a security glass on the side of the street. 2) Voluntary Exposure Although consumers often avoid commercials and other marketing stimuli, sometimes they actively seek them out for various reasons including purchase goals, entertainment, and information. Responses to Voluntary Exposure Permission-Based Marketing The Privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. Banner Ads. Ex) ads that pop up on the side or top of a website Real-time Chat Service. Ex) J Crew has a chat service Providing Highly Entertaining Materials. Ex) guy doing flips into jeans Attention- pg 283-284 Attention Occurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves, and is the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing Most consumers are bombarded by a large number of messages or stimuli Consumer attention is selective Attention is determined by three factors: Stimulus Factors- pg 284-290 Physical characteristics of the stimulus itself Size Intensity Attractive Visuals Color and Movement Position Isolation Format Contrast and Expectations Interestingness Information Quantity Color and Size Color and Size attract attention A brightly colored package or display is more likely to received attention Larger stimuli are more likely to be noticed than smaller ones Position Is the placement of an object in physical space or time In retail stores, items that are easy to find or stand out are more likely to attract attention, such as end-caps and kiosks High impact zones in print ads in the U.S. tend to be toward the top left portion of the ad. Contrast and Expectations Consumers pay more attention to stimuli that contrast with their background Expectations drive perceptions of contrast. Ads that differ from expectations for a product category often motivate more attention Adaption Level Theory Suggests that if a stimulus doesn’t change over time we habituate to it and begin to notice it less. Individual Factors- pg 290-291 Characteristics which distinguish one individual from another. Example: Heineken Ad Motivation: A drive state created by consumer interest and needs Ability: The capacity of individuals to attend to and process information Situational Factors- pg 291 Include stimuli in the environment other than the focal stimulus and temporary characteristics of the individual that are induced by the environment Clutter: the density of stimuli in the environment â€Å"Less is More† Program Involvement: Interest in the program or editorial content surrounding the ads. Subliminal Stimuli- pg 293 Non-focused Attention Subliminal Stimuli A message presented so fast, softly or masked by other messages that one is aware of hearing (Progressive Ad) A subliminal as â€Å"hides† key persuasive information within the ad by making it so weak that it is difficult or impossible for someone to physically detect. Subliminal advertising has been the focus of intense study and public concern Interpretation- pg 293-294 The assignment of meaning to sensations Three aspects of interpretation: 1) It is generally a relative process rather than absolute, referred to as perceptual relativity 2) It tends to be subjective and open to a host of psychological biases 3) It can be a cognitive â€Å"thinking† process or an affective â€Å"emotional† process. Ex) Bud light Ad Interpretation is determined by three factors: 1) Individual Characteristics Traits: inherent physiological and psychological traits Learning and Knowledge The meanings attached to such â€Å"natural† things as time, space, relationships, and colors are learned and vary widely across cultures. Expectations Expectation Bias: Interpretations tend to be consistent with expectations 2) Situational Characteristics The situation provides a context within which the focal stimulus is interpreted The context clues present in the situation play a role in the consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus 3) Stimulus Characteristics Traits: specific traits of the stimulus such as size, shape, color, etc. Organization Proximity Closure Figure-Ground Changes Sensory Discrimination The physiological ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli JND (Just Noticeable Difference) The minimum amount that one brand can differ from another (or from its previous version) with the difference still being noticed. Figure-ground- pg 299 Involves presenting the stimulus in such a way that it is perceived as the focal object to be attended to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background. Consumer Inferences Inferences: Knowledge and belief that are not based on explicit information in the environment. Quality Signals- pg 300 Price-perceived quality, Advertising intensity, Warranties, Country of origin, Brand, etc. Interpreting Images Missing Information and Ethical Concerns Price-perceived Quality Bottled water vs. tap water Country of Origin Wine, cars, TV’s, rugs, cologne Perception and Marketing Strategy Retail Strategy Brand Name and Logo Development Linguistic Consideration Branding Strategies Logo Design and Typographics Media Strategy Advertisements Package Design and Labeling Learning and Memory Nature of Learning and Memory- pg 318-319 Learning Any change in the content or organization of long-term memory or behavior Memory The total accumulation of prior learning experiences Difference between short-term and long-term memory- pg 319-321 Short-term Memory (STM) or working memory Is that portion of total memory that is currently activated or in use Long-term memory (LTM) Is that portion of total memory devoted to permanent information storage STM is Short Lived Consumers must constantly refresh information through maintenance rehearsal or it will be lost STM has Limited Capacity Consumers can only hold so much information in current memory Elaborative Activities Occur in STM Elaborative activities serve to redefine or add new elements to memory and can involve both concepts and imagery LTM Semantic memory (AKA Schemas) Basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept Episodic Memory The memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated Schematic Memory- pg 323 A pattern of such associations around a particular concept Retrieval from long-term memory- pg 324-325 The likelihood and ease with which information can be recalled from LTM is accessibility. Learning under high and low involvement – pg 324-326, Figure 9-3 Conditioning (mechanism, classical, and operant conditioning)- pg 326-330 Conditioning Theories Classical Conditioning The process of using an established relationship between one stimulus (music) and response (pleasant feelings) to bring about the learning of the same response (pleasant feelings) to a different stimulus (the brand) ex) LMFAO’s Sexy & I know it for M&M Chocolate Operant Conditioning (or instrumental learning) Rewarding desirable behaviors such as brand purchases with a positive outcome that serves to reinforce the behavior ex) free sampling, discount coupon, loyalty card Cognitive Learning (iconic rote learning, vicarious learning, and analytical reasoning)- pg 331-332 Ironic Rote Learning Learning a concept or the association between two or more concepts in the absence of conditioning ex) Head-on ad Vicarious Learning (aka Modeling) Observing the outcomes of others’ behaviors and adjust their own accordingly ex) Oral B Brush-ups Analytical Reasoning Individuals engage in creative thinking to restructure and recombine existing information as well as new information to form new associations and concepts Memory retrieval failure and influencing factors- pg 334-342 Brand Image- pg 342-343 Brand image Refers to the schematic memory of a brand Perceived Product Attributes Manufacturer Marketer Characteristics Users Usage Situations Benefits An important component of brand image is the appropriate usage situations for the product or brand Product Positioning- pg 344 Product Positioning Is a decision by a marketer to try to achieve a defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment Perceptual Mapping- pg 345 Perceptual Mapping Offers marketing managers a useful technique for measuring and developing a product’s position Brand Equity and brand leverage- pg 347 Brand Equity Is the value consumers assign to a brand above and beyond the functional characteristics of the product. Strong Brand Equity enables: 1) Brand Leverage Often termed family branding, brand extensions, or umbrella branding, refers to marketers capitalizing on brand equity by using existing brand name for new products 2) Sub-Branding Creating a secondary brand within a main brand that can help differentiate a product line to a desired target group Motivation, Personality, and Emotion Motivation- pg 360 Motivation Is the reason for behavior A motive is a construct representing an unobservable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response and provides specific direction to that response Consumers buy motive satisfaction or problem resolution Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs- pg 360-361, Table 10-1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs A macro theory designed to account for most human behavior in general terms Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is based on four premises 1) All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction 2) Some motives are more basic or critical than others 3) The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated 4) As the basic motive becomes satisfied, more advanced motives come into play Need for expression (one of the McGuire’s Psychological Motives)-pg 365 McGuire’s Psychological Motives A fairly detailed set of motives used to account for specific aspects of consumer behavior Need for expression (active, external) This motive deals with the need to express one’s identity to others. Discovering purchase motives (Manifest and latent motive)- pg 367-369, Figure 10-1 Manifest Motives Consumers recognize and will share these motives Latent Motives Consumers are unaware of these motives, or reluctant to admit them Substantially more complex than manifest motives Techniques to uncover latent motives 1) Projective techniques 2) Laddering (= means-end or benefit chain) Regulatory focus theory (Promotion and prevention-focused motives)- pg 372, figure 10-2 Promotion-focused motives Revolve around a desire for growth and development and are related to consumers’ hopes and aspirations Prevention-focused motives Revolve around a desire for safety and security and are related to consumers’ sense of duties and obligations Regulatory Focus Theory Suggests that consumers will react differently depending on which broad set of motives is most salient Personality- pg 373-374 Personality An individual’s characteristic response tendencies across similar situations Consumer ethnocentrism Reflects an individual difference in consumers’ propensity to be biased against the purchase of foreign products Need for cognition Reflects an individual difference in consumers’ propensity to engage in and enjoy thinking Consumer’s need for uniqueness Reflects an individual difference in consumers’ propensity to pursue differentness relative to other through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods Dimensions of brand personality and communication strategies- pg 375-378 Emotion and typology of consumer coping strategies- pg 379, 381 Attitudes Attitude and attitude components –pg. 392-398, Figure 11-1 Attitude An enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment Attitude Components Cognitive component Consists of a consumer’s beliefs about an object Affective component Feelings or emotional reactions to an object Behavioral component Is one’s tendency to respond in a certain manner toward an object or activity Attitude component consistency –pg. 398-399 All three attitude components tend to be consistent. This means that a change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components Attitude change strategy for affective component-pg. 402-403 ELM model –pg. 404, Figure 11-3 Elaboration likelihood model A theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement The ELM suggests that involvement is a key determinant of how information is processed and attitudes are changed Communication strategy for attitude formation and change Celebrity sources –pg. 408-409, Figure 11-4 Celebrity sources can be effective in enhancing attention, attitude toward the ad, trustworthiness, expertise, aspirational aspects, and meaning transfer. Effectiveness of celebrity sources enhanced when Marketer Match Endorser with Product and Target Audience Ex) Tiger Woods Comparative ads –pg. 412-413 Directly compare the features or benefits of two or more brands Value-expressive vs. Utilitarian appeals appeal-pg. 414-415 Value-expressive appeals Attempt to build a personality for the product or create an image of the product user. Utilitarian appeals Involve informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market. Positive vs. Negative Framing-p. 415 Message framing Refers to presenting one of two equivalent value outcomes either in positive or gain terms (positive framing) or in negative or loss terms (negative framing) Self-Concept and Lifestyle Self-concept Defined as the totality of the individual’s thoughts and feelings having reference to himself or herself as an object. Its an individual’s perception of and feelings towards him or herself Interdependent/Independent self-concepts – pg. 428-429 Independent self-concept Emphasizes personal goals, characteristics, achievements, and desires. Individuals with an independent self-concept tend to be individualistic, egocentric, autonomous, self-reliant, and self-contained They define themselves in terms of what they have done, what they have, and their personal characteristics Interdependent self-concept Emphasizes family, cultural, professional, and social relationships. Individuals with an interdependent self-concept tend to be obedient, sociocentric, holistic, connected, and relation oriented. They define themselves in terms of social roles, family relationships, and commonalities with other members of their groups. Possessions and the Extended Self – pg. 429-430 Extended self Consists of the self plus possessions; that is, people tend to define themselves in part by their possessions. Our possessions reflect our beliefs, wants, and inner desires. Extended self = Self + Possessions Tattoos can become a part of one’s extended self Mere ownership effect (AKA the Endowment effect) The tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a non-owner Using Self-Concept to Position Products – pg. 432-433 Lifestyle – pg. 434-435, Figure 12-2 Lifestyle How a person lives. It is how one enacts his or her self-concept Influences all aspects of one’s consumption behavior Is determined by the person’s past experiences, innate characteristics, and current situation Ex) Brett Favre’s Wrangler commercial and Tom Brady’s Smart Water commercial Measurement of Lifestyle – pg. 435-436 Psychographics Attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle Measures include: Attitudes- Evaluative statements about other people, places, ideas, products, etc. Values- Widely held beliefs about what is acceptable or desirable Activities and Interests- Non-occupational behaviors to which consumers devote time and effort, such as hobbies, sports, public service, and church Demographics- Age, education, income, occupation, family structure, ethnic background Media Patterns- The specific media the consumers utilize Usage Rates- Measurements of consumption within a specified product category; often consumers are categorized as heavy, medium, or light users or as nonusers. VALS– pg. 439, Figure 12-3 VALS (Social Value and Lifestyle) Provides a systematic classification of U.S. adults into 8 distinct consumer segments Core premise: an individual’s primary motivation determines what in particular about the self or the world is the meaningful core that governs his or her activities. Three Primary Consumer Motivations: 1) Ideals Motivation These consumers are guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval. They purchase functionality and reliability. 2) Achievement Motivation These consumers strive for a clear social position and are strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others. They purchase status symbols. 3) Self-Expression Motivation These action-oriented consumers strive to express their individuality through their choices. They purchase experiences. PRIZM – pg. 444 Define every household in the U.S. by distinct lifestyle types, called â€Å"segments†, to provide you with a comprehensive picture of who lives where and what they are like. The underlying logic: Geo-Demographic Segmentation People with similar cultural backgrounds, means and perspectives naturally gravitate toward one another. They choose to live amongst their peers in neighborhoods offering †¦compatible lifestyles. They exhibit shared patterns of consumer behavior toward products, services, media and promotions. 4 major social groups of PRIZM: Urban- Major cities with high population density Suburban- Moderately dense â€Å"suburban† areas surrounding metropolitan areas Second City- Smaller, less densely populated cities or satellites to major cities Town and Country- Low-density towns and rural communities

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Tragic Story Of Jerry Cruncher English Literature Essay

Jerry Cruncher is a Victorian joker in a tragic narrative. Transitioning from Jerry Cruncher ‘s amusing life to Lucie Manette ‘s tragic life creates a hearty balance go forthing the reader desiring more from each scene. His lower category dark wit contrasts the visible radiation and aired tone of the blue bloods established by Charles Dickens, the writer of â€Å" A Tale of Two Cities † . With such a sad narrative, Dickens uses Jerry Cruncher sparsely and efficaciously to supply amusing alleviation, dark comedy, and societal sarcasm to interrupt the melodrama and do the reader laugh merely plenty before immersing back into the love, decease, and unhappiness. The character Jerry Cruncher refers to himself as an honorable shopkeeper, an dry statement made by a adult male whose trade is sedate robbing. He describes this occupation as, â€Å" Goin ‘ fishing † , which is a lampoon of the chief subject, Resurrection ( Dickens chapter 20 ) . Many characters go through a Resurrection throughout the novel and it ‘s merely suiting for Jerry Cruncher ‘s â€Å" Resurrection † to be delving up organic structures. This amusing alleviation shows how Dickens is a maestro of balance. Sydney Carton, whose Resurrection is the most of import, is balanced by the amusing Resurrection of Jerry Cruncher. Ironically, it is because of this occupation that Sydney Carton can blackjack Solomon. Since Jerry dug up Roger Cly ‘s grave and did n't happen anything but stones, Sydney uses this as purchase ( the chapter with the rubric named about cards or whatever ) . This amusing state of affairs, and Jerry Cruncher surprisingly assisting non aching the state of affairs, non merely continues the subject of Resurrection, in a alone Jerry Cruncher-esque manner, but besides provides amusing alleviation to an otherwise serious secret plan turn. His idiom besides provides amusing alleviation. The chief characters speak in a prosaic, consider tone while Jerry speaks in a haphazard, random tone. The words he uses to depict serious things puts the reader at easiness. He describes sedate robbing as fishing, he describes praying as flopping, and he uses a â€Å" tungsten † for the missive â€Å" V † . These small things, Dickens is a great maestro of inside informations, assist equilibrate out the heavy dramatic subdivisions. Not merely is Jerry ‘s idiom good story, but the fact that Jerry negotiations to himself throughout the novel is every bit good. The ground he talks to himself is n't explained in the novel but it is still a genius word picture and continues Jerry ‘s hallmark amusing alleviation in serious state of affairss. Many of the funniest minutes of the novel are the conversations Jerry has with himself. Dickens uses Jerry Cruncher for dark comedy excessively. Jerry beats his married woman against the wall because she is praying, or â€Å" flopping † as Jerry calls it, for him ( Dickens chapter 14 ) . This kind of comedy can be misunderstood but Dickens ‘s usage, merely plenty, makes for more comedy in the state of affairs instead than the dark. He complains that she is praying for him and admonishes her for her aid, but the Crunchers are a lower category household and do necessitate aid to better supply for themselves. It ‘s a paradox ; Jerry wants to be good off but does n't take the aid that he needs. In the very terminal of the novel, Jerry repents about his incorrect behaviors. He pledges to be a sedate digger non a robber, and pledges to let his married woman to pray for him ( dickens terminal of book find it ) . This alteration is the concluding amusing alleviation. The realisation was expected but ne'er envisioned, for, Jerry, seemed to be the character that would n't alter in the book. Dickens, nevertheless, used this alteration to be the concluding comedy to supplement the terminal of Sydney Carton. Jerry Cruncher is a better and funnier character by altering into a sympathetic and normal individual. Wife crushing usually is n't amusing, but in the context of the state of affairs, Dickens manages it good. Jerry ‘s married woman is seeking to assist her hubby and her kid by turning to faith. He tells her to halt praying for him and that he does n't necessitate faith. After he fails at happening a organic structure to delve up, he beats her. Jerry Cruncher crushing his despairing married woman, merely seeking to assist, could be highly violative, but in the custodies of Dickens, is dark comedy at its best. With books like â€Å" Oliver Twist † and â€Å" Great Expectations † , Dickens masterfully satirizes the lower category and â€Å" A Tale of Two Cities † is no exclusion. Social sarcasm is a strength of Charles Dickens and by utilizing Jerry Cruncher ‘s character, he satirizes the lower category of London. The narratives go back and Forth between the Manettes, a rich, blue household and the Crunchers, a lower category household. The blunt contrast keeps the narrative alive and reviewing non leting the reader ‘s attending to roll. The Manettes day-to-day life, house conditions, and interaction are warm and ask foring. Lucie and Dr. Manette ne'er argue and ever talk to each other in a loving manner. And when Charles Darnay is added, Lucie ‘s and Charles ‘ conversations are every bit as loving. But with the Crunchers, their place is nil like the Manettes and every word uttered from Jerry is condescending towards his married woman. He beats h er with a shoe, with his fist ; with virtually anything and despite all of this, his boy still wants to be merely like him ; an sarcasm that Dickens uses often. The attitude Jerry has, ne'er accepting aid, in changeless denial of his illegal occupation, and maltreating his married woman, will be cyclical. Until person stairss in and rights all of Jerry ‘s wrongs, something his married woman would make if she could acquire a word in, small Cruncher will be an exact transcript of Jerry. Dickens even explicates this in his usual witty sarcasm in Chapter whatever look it up ( Dickens etc ) . This dry rhythm was directed towards the hapless. His societal commentary was to carry the hapless to assist themselves and utilize their milieus, the people they knew, and even faith to actuate and animate them to achieve a better life or at least create a better life for their kids. Jerry ‘s composite, a mastermind failing Dickens gives him, allows Jerry to do his ain Resurrection at the terminal of a book giving a sweet satisfaction to the reader. The many utilizations Jerry is used for is amazing. Jerry acts as a ironist, being a typical hapless male ne'er accepting anyone ‘s aid, a comedian supplying amusing alleviation, and a counter weight to set to the heavy melodramatic plot line of love, decease, and Resurrection. By utilizing Jerry as interruption point, the reader is able to recover their emotions lost in the old chapter. One would believe that Jerry Cruncher, with his many utilizations, would resemble more of a chief character than a minor character. Merely the glare of a great author, like Dickens, can film over the boundaries of the chief and minor characters making stimulating and every bit competent minor characters able to transport their weight, and sometimes even more so, than major characters. The manner Dickens is able to satirise so many state of affairss with utilizing merely one character is singular and shows why Dickens is considered to some as the greatest novelist in the English linguistic commu nication. With Jerry Cruncher going a dynamic character in the terminal, his character transcends minor character and becomes an in between, a in-between character. His amusing alleviation breaks the reader from the weightiness of play and allows the reader to be entertained and laugh merely long plenty before Dickens goes right back into the action. The upper category, the Manettes, provide the calamity, while the lower category, the Crunchers, provide the comedy. Jerry Cruncher was non merely a amusing character, but helped Dickens alter the universe by being Dickens ‘s whipping boy to the hapless. Social sarcasm amusing alleviation dark comedy, Amusing alleviation, delving Gravess etc, Dark comedy- married woman whipping, flopping, Social satire- the lower category, the difference the contrast of the upper category, lower category are treated less but their attitudes do n't let them to be helped, his boy wants to copy him etc,

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marco and Mirco Economic Affecting the Performance of Aon Corporation Essay

Marco and Mirco Economic Affecting the Performance of Aon Corporation Shares - Essay Example This paper will seek to analyze macro and microeconomic factors of this company affecting its daily performance in thte sale of its shares in the stock exchange market. Although the company has been receiving different awards in different categories in its services provision arena, there are other factors influencing its performance of its major product, shares, in the stock exchange market. Aon has relevant demand and supply factors that influence its sales of shares and the volume of accrued profits at the end of its fiscal year. For instance, there are global factors that affect its reinsurance brokerage supply chain such as record reinsurer capital. Documented evidence shows that, due to reinsurance supply of reinsurer capital, the level of reinsurer capital increased by 17 percent, during the first nine months of 2010, surpassing its peak capital level of 2007. Surprisingly, reinsurer capital of Aon is still in excess of demand for capacity up to date and because of this demand, the level of traded shares increased drastically. According to Aon Benfield, the demand for its shares has been a fundamental and overwhelming factor for the majority of its services. This is because; insurers are facing downward pricing pressure forcing them to release more of their redundancies hence increasing their demand for reinsurance (Baumol & Blinder, 2008:84). This is practically vital for Aon Corporation since increased demand for reinsurance means more profits as stock exchange market participation rises in order to raise adequate funds for the extra demand and supply. The market structure of Aon Corporation with response to trading of shares in the stock exchange market is a wide one, figured to deliver the best and effective services to its active stock exchange market share buyers and sellers worldwide through sub branches, online, or phone (eTrade) (Wapler, 2003:46). Due to its need to have a structured market globally, it established Global Business Units that help to integrate its corporate culture of work within as well as across borders. What connects all these units is the Company’s shared purpose and vision, which has uniform standards together with a state of the art technology. This global network of companies provides the most effective structure of market suitable for its share trading and active participation in the stock exchange market. There are few things that Aon Corporation should do in order to, either continue making profits in this market structure or move towards more profit generating market structure. To begin with, Aon has an organic market structure that depends primarily on its existing demand for risks, need for insurance, human resource consulting services and hugely on share trading. Secondly, its structural market also targets corporations, government arms, insurance companies and so many other organizations with potent ability to actively-participate in the stock exchange market. With such a broad market s tructure, the company continues to record a great deal of profits from its sell of shares. Despite accruing profits from sell of its shares at this structural market, the company experiences cyclical economic swings owing to stock exchange market fluctuations that impose more pressure on the active participation in the stock exchange market of the company. As a result, there is need for maintenance and creation of a more reputable market structure

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Written Analysis on any Poem by Edgar Allen Poe Term Paper

A Written Analysis on any Poem by Edgar Allen Poe - Term Paper Example With the youth’s dynamic potentials and attitude to frolic during spring, that is the age of serious discovery or of intently satisfying curiosity, the author confesses of aggressively exploring the ‘wide world’ he compares with ‘the lake’. By saying ‘The which I could not love the less’ collectively alludes the material things in the world he gets engrossed with or would not seem to have enough of. As if everything he ever dreamed of is found in the perishable world, so he further accounts for the ‘loneliness’ which he rather finds lovely and at this stage, the poet indicates how selfish a young aggressive person could get as he sees the world alone and that nothing else matters for the moment. The poet makes use of concrete imagery on describing the view of the lake at the beginning ‘with black rock bound, And the tall pines that towered around’ for the purpose of contrasting it with ‘poisonous waveâ€⠄¢ and ‘in its gulf a fitting grave’ which are allusions that suit the maturity of expressing the lesson which the poet is bound to learn in the process. On personifying the wind to be ‘mystic’ and ‘murmuring in melody’, as well as the night’s action with ‘had thrown her pall’, E.A. Poe signifies the reference to the doom which the youth is likely to confront on being led to a wasted life filled with depression as a consequence of living life on the edge or having plenty of unnecessary cares that bring grief to humans in the end. ‘The Lake’ is made to progress from a scenario wherein it occurs or feels easy to think of beauty and wonders into sudden fate that completely reverses the original picture the time the gloomy night arrives. Not long after the transition however, the person clarifies that it is not something to be hugely upset about, and this is manifested through the description given for the wind. Ins tead of a sweeping action, it is rendered void of speed with the use alliterative phrase ‘murmuring in melody’ which characterizes the person’s view of life in response to trials or challenges that come his way. When one is made strong by specific virtues in learning how to cope with struggles in life, he is the type of individual who is capable of handling troubles or unfavorable tides with a sense of balance and confidence and is not instantly consumed by sorrows made by trifling deeds of tender age as symbolized in ‘Yet that terror was not fright.’ Equivalently, E.A. Poe suggests that there is never a perfect picture or permanence with an ideal situation, in time it would necessarily have to undergo certain changes be it small or large and people ought to keep watch and be prepared. There seems to be a shift in low and smooth tone to abrupt utterance in the middle ‘Then-ah then I would awake To the terror of the lone lake’ yet after t his, the speaker goes back to original calmness and sounds hopeful towards the end. A man of happy disposition who grows out of immature ways of the world takes no grave deal with life’s occasional worries and even brings out a remarkable perspective out of appalling circumstances as maybe sensed in the last three lines ‘To his lone imagining – Whose solitary soul could make An Eden of that dim lake’

Efficiency of Cloud Computing Data Centers Thesis

Efficiency of Cloud Computing Data Centers - Thesis Example the respective organization, whereas, cloud computing is referred to as the ‘public cloud’ since it is available for use by any individual who might need instantaneous computing capability. This innovative concept has even leaped the performance level of data centers to a new level and has reduced costs for independent developers and organizations. 2. Background Information Warr (2009) stated that cloud computing is also referred to as ‘Platform as a Service’ (PaaS) since developers use it as a platform to run their applications or even develop them from scratch without investing in the acquisition of the required operating system or server hardware. Another name that is used for this concept is ‘Infrastructure as a Service’ (IaaS); it includes the dynamic usage of CPUs, virtual servers, network, storage, systems software etc. Software as a service (SaaS) is another type of cloud computing that provides access to software to users on their need basis while the software runs on the vendor’s side of the data centers. The conventional mode of using the software requires the installation of the software on the user’s computer but this latest technology requires no such installation. Since many decades, internet users have been availing the service of uploading their documents and pictures on the internet by different services like Flickr, Snapfish etc; this concept has enabled the people to save their data ‘on the cloud’. The latest concept of cloud computing is far more usable, scalable and efficient for individual developers and organizations. 2.1 Criteria of Effective Performance Rajan (2011) provided some relevant characteristics that can be helpful to... This paper stresses that the conventional enterprise data centers have been found to possess several limitations and constraints that make their adoption difficult. Enterprise data centers constitute a limited storage capacity and much capital is needed to increase the scale of the data centers. Cloud computing data centers offer the level of scalability that facilitates almost unlimited expansion of the IT infrastructure. The cost of the cloud computing service is dependent on the usage of the requested resources therefore proves to cut costs by significant numbers. The adoption of this technology provides freedom in terms of maintenance and regular updates of the data center software and platforms. This report makes a conclusion that cloud computing data centers promote mobility since they can be accessed from anywhere on the web. Therefore, it can be concluded that cloud computing data centers prove to be effective in typical and atypical business conditions but fall short in the security area. The innovative techniques to improve the physical conditions of the data centers have benefitted the organizations, as well as the society since lesser energy is being consumed from the resources of the planet. Containerized servers, innovative data center designs, evaporative cooling, free-cooling are some of the techniques that have played their role in the reduction of PUE. The uauthor talks that the security standards of cloud computing shall be analyzed in detail for their effectiveness and the rate at which they are being adapted by the respective providers. Data encryption mechanisms shall also be studied that have been adapted by different organizations to improve the cloud comp uting services.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

TD 1 MGT - 491 Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management Essay

TD 1 MGT - 491 Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management - Essay Example employees are made an elemental part in the operations, which is done to cultivate a working environment that promotes productivity, which is the ultimate goal. In comparison to the findings, the elemental role of strategic approach in organizations as per the module is coming up with the most practical designs that help the companies to meet their employees’ needs and at the same time promote the achievement of their business goals. Ideally, most organizations operate by following outlined strategies and to achieve them strategic human resource concepts must be integrated and balanced effectively in order to avoid conflicts and achieve the projected results. In addition, it requires advanced thinking and planning as well as the development of human capital, which is the case in many organizations (Deb, 2006). As a case example, human capital development has been made a key component to employees’ motivation and retention in SpartanNash in Michigan. Apart from being facilitators in human resource functions, the employees are strategic contributors to the company’s great success. This has been achieved by increasing and developing the value of human capital in the employees and preventing downsizing, which in turn has enabled the company to accrue distinct competitive advantages over other companies (Belasco & Horowitz,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Industries - Essay Example Again when the corporation opted to invest in the equities in 2007, this was the time when the current global financial crisis was starting and they never recovered. Proper timing and a lack of diversity in investment may be attributed to the failure experienced by the corporation (Palacios & Musalem 2003). Given that the US economy may not improve much in the next three years, there is a need for Global Industries to consider investing in the developing economies, such has India and China. Other emerging markets in South America such as Brazil, and also Africa, may be another option worth exploring. In the past, pension fund managers have been known to risk with the money of taxpayers in equity markets that are characterised by a high level of volatility. The operations of our pension fund system has been such that the decision to take investment risks in the equity markets is often arrived at by a few individuals at the management level but when we experience a market crash, the taxpayers have to bear this risk. Often times, pension fund managers are quick to attribute the loss of taxpayers' money on the world financial crisis and bad markets (Mangiero 2009). It is not often that pension fund managers shall be awake to the realisation that the fund may be governed by investment models that are quite faulty, coupled with crooked actuarial theories. According to a majority of the economists that specialises in the assessment of funds, such plans may at best be viewed as risk time bomb that shall in the long-run result in losses. Inevitably, it is the taxpayer that shall be required to pay for such losses. For this reason, one could argue that the reason why we have had such a horrible experience in our pension fund is because our pension plans and models are faulty, and we have never taken the initiative to revise them accordingly (Caulkin 2009). The practice by the pension fund in the past years has been to heavily invest in equities. What appeared to have led the pension fund managers to such a decision was due to the assumption that the short-term meltdowns that they were experiencing would be offset by the ensuing financial gain in the long-term. Apparently, these fund managers seems not to have heeded the advice of financial economists, as regards the conventional model of investment markets; that "equities provide guaranteed returns over the long term" (Pension pulse 2009). This is a goal that economists have proved to be quiet untenable. Clearly, no one anticipated a global financial crisis of the magnitude that we are faced with, at the moment. It is imperative therefore that we do not repeat past mistakes. What this means is that we should learn to diversity our investments, at least as a cushioning effect against losing all the taxpayers earnings. In high investments such as the stocks or the equity funds, perfect timing is very important. Apparently, Global Industries appears to have opted to make investments at a time when disaster was just about to strike. Another characteristic of the past investments since the early 1990s is that the corporations have failed to adequately diversity its investments. For example, at one time, the corporation was into

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gloria Jean's Coffees Australia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gloria Jean's Coffees Australia - Assignment Example Gloria Jean is being an innovation driven organization has managed to develop numerous coffee recipes over the years. However, their expertise in coffee has not prevented them from adding tea and chocolate drinks into the menu to better serve customers by offering a variety. Apart from beverages, Gloria Jean’s has also developed merchandise like the G 79 espresso machine. The latest in its production lines are Cake, which in two new flavours choc raspberry white, and choc mouse. The company also has new blends of tea like pomegranate, Super berry, and tropical green. This has enhanced the ability to come up with new beverage blends that have endeared the franchise to millions of people. Moreover, it has enabled the company to remain a leader in this highly competitive industry. Having sprouted in Sidney in the late 20th century, Gloria Jean’s has been so successful in its journey to explore new markets. The company achieved a global outlook in the year 2009 when it managed to acquire Gloria Jean’s franchise in the U.S. currently serving in 39 markets the quest to make the brand a worldwide success is still ongoing as shown in the company’s vision and mission. Its vision: â€Å"to be the most loved and respected coffee company worldwide† speaks volumes of the direction the company has taken (Saleh & Irvine). Its ultimate goal is achieving a global status which entails having outlets in every country in the world. Its plan to shift to a business model that is franchise –only steam rolled this February when it shut down 14 outlets in Australia. This model was adapted last December when the company was sold to Global Yellow Pages a Singaporean company (Cole, 2013). This move to fully franchise enabled the company to have the necessary financial influence to expand into China and other Asian markets where the huge population provides a potentially huge customer

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Grand Bazaar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Grand Bazaar - Essay Example Much desired because of its favorable location, the city has often been a reason for military tension. It has also changed several names, such as, for instance, Byzantium, Nova Roma and Constantinople. Another interesting fact is that it has been a capital of two powerful empires - the Byzantine and the Ottoman. The old wooden Grand Bazaar was built by Sultan Mehmet II, who conquered Constantinople, the capital of Byzantine Empire in 1453, and also named the city Istanbul. The Bazaar was getting bigger quickly. Presently it covers 30 hectares, and comprises about 4000 shops, forming a real labyrinth with its numerous arched passages. There are also banks, mosques, police stations, fountains, and restaurants. Twenty two gates lead into the Bazaar out of different streets (Historical places of Istanbul). Mark Twain depicted the place as follows: "We went to the grand Bazaar in Stamboul, of course, and I shall not describe it further than to say it is a monstrous hive of little shops--thousands, I should say--all under one roof, and cut up into innumerable little blocks by narrow streets which are arched overhead". For a tourist it must seem very difficult not to get lost, however, there is no need to panic: the street signs and tourist information signs are everywhere. The Bazaar also plays a role of unofficial financial centre: different currencies are exchanged by most shopkeepers. At Grand Bazaar one f... The vendors try to attract customers by telling history of the buildings construction, local legends, suggesting the most interesting places to visit and to take pictures of. Some European tourist might feel tired with the constant invitations. Travel guides claim it is better to say thank you and firmly make through crowd ahead, in case you are not interested. If one tries the free drinks and talks to the vendors it does not mean, though, he has to buy the goods. Bargaining is expected and often it is possible to lower the price about 20%. It is a good idea to learn the local price for the items you wish to buy, for once it is discovered you do not have a clue, you are likely to pay the so called tourist price. Grand Bazaar seems all sparkling and glittering. Jewelry stalls with gold and silver, as well as displays of colourful lamps and lanterns make it like this. Flickr and other servers are full of the bright images of such stalls, uploaded by the thrilled travellers. It is believed that Grand Bazaar offers the biggest variety of jewelry in the world. Olivia Wells in her "Secrets of the Grand Bazaar" names best jewelry shops. She describes Kafkas as the most luxurious one, where it is possible to purchase true treasures without being afraid of swindle, and where the security and anonymity is guaranteed: "From the outside, Kafkas looks much like the hundred or so other jewelry stores lining the street, though I'm keenly aware of the suited men (alertly) loitering outside the closed door as Serkan pulls out a necklace of Kafkas's own design: forty-one carats of rose-cut diamonds scattered around the neck of its black velvet display form". She also finds the price attractive, claiming it to be the third of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Essay Summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary - Essay Example unconsciously mold society through these tools, wherein these tools also mold their values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices in their different fields and in their own homes and families (277). In â€Å"Authoritarian High Modernism,† James Scott agrees that architecture can respond to various social problems during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Like Le Corbusier, Scott believes that architecture rises to the challenge of social changes due to technological and economic progress. Scott also asserts that studying the origin of architecture was and is a modern activity because it fits the constant desire for social benefits and social solutions. His difference with Le Corbusier is his specific focus on high modernism that has its strengths of trying to improve the social fabric and enabling the social participation of modernist thinkers, while its weaknesses are ruthlessness in advancing modernist ideals and disastrous effects, when political controls are weak or defi cient. 2. In â€Å"Ornament and Crime,† Loos criticizes the use of ornament in architecture. Loos asserts that using ornaments buildings is a crime of the degenerate (20). In order to be culturally developed, he emphasizes that architects must remove ornaments from their buildings (Loos 20). Furthermore, Loose argues that ornamentation wastes time and energy. Architects must focus on function, not ornamental form, to create buildings that have true functions for users. Finally, Loos thinks that to vie for ornaments is not natural of higher intelligence. Ornaments are superficial and wasteful exercises for him. Semper feels differently in â€Å"The Textile Art† because he argues that textiles and buildings have the same origins- the need to turn invisible open space into visibly enclosed spaces. Whereas Loos finds ornament as unnatural, Semper asserts that ornamenting the body and the space through architecture is natural to people’s desire for art (254). Despite these differences, Semper and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Internal combustion engine Essay Example for Free

Internal combustion engine Essay From its humble beginnings from in 1885 today the automotive industry is one of the biggest industries today and is one of the world’s most important economic sectors by revenue. Not only does this industry develops and manufacture but it also markets and sells motor vehicles globally. STEEP Analysis onSocio-cultural Socio-cultural variables such as population, social responsibility, cultural differences, and theinfluence of consumer movement affects directly to the automobile industry. Most of the people concerns the price, mileage, brand of the car, design and style, after salesservice when purchasing a vehicle and depends on what other people think about their vehicle. Age distribution is a factor that directly influence when focusing on sales among population,And should be able to develop segments that able to satisfy different needs of age groups. When purchase vehicles the families are more sensible factor which influence car purchasedecision. Space, safety and budget play a major role. Need to focus on corporate customers since they buy the largest amount of vehicles . Technological Technological factors and innovations, Research development plays a most important role asthey improve standards of driving. Fuel consumption is one of a major problem at the moment, hybrid engines has developed toreduce fuel consumption. Ex: Honda, ToyotaOne of a major requirement of the customer is safety. Seat belts, air bags which protect passengers at a collision, ABS brakes to stop the vehicle in short distance even in icy surfaces. By investing for Research and development and innovating new technologies can gain patentedand boost sales. Technological development is support the driver to control the vehicle more comfortable andeasier.

NTFS filing system Essay Example for Free

NTFS filing system Essay NTFS is the newer filing system from Windows only Windows 2000 and higher use NTFS and FAT32. Which file system is intended primarily for use in large USB flash drives? I think it would be NTSF it a little more better an newer when it comes to the new OS out there like windows 8/7/ and maybe Vista XP just in case you have application that might run better on vista and XP. Plus since USB didn’t come out until Windows 98 well that when I first saw a USB port Which file system provides support for larger hard drives and better security in the form of encryption and permissions that restrict access by unauthorized users? NTFS is use for security encryption. FAT32 has no security encryption that one reason why Microsoft made NTSF so people can some type of security encryption. It is available in all versions of Windows developed for business environments from Windows 2000 onwards. Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. Encryption does not of itself prevent interception, but denies the message content to the interceptor There is also the Encrypting File System EFS on Microsoft Windows is a feature introduced in version 3.0 of NTFS that provides file system-level encryption. The technology enables files to be transparently encrypted to protect confidential data from attackers with physical access to the computer. EFS is available in all versions of Windows developed for business environments from Windows 2000 onwards .By default, no files are encrypted, but encryption can be enabled by users on a per-file, per-directory, or per-drive basis. Some EFS settings can also be mandated via Group Policy in Windows domain environments. Cryptographic file system implementations for other operating systems are available, but the Microsoft EFS is not compatible with any of them. Why FAT32 is preferred over NTFS file system? I didn’t know people like FAT 31 over NTFS until I took this when I look it up in my text book to see why would someone would preferred FAT32 over NTSF in its because it is recommended for hard disks only if the hard disk must also be accessed by dual- booting with an older version of Windows like Windows 95, 98, or Me. Then I understand since NTSF is not supported by Windows 95, 98, and Me. As with most old software it won’t support new technology unless the new tech is made for the old software but I see people preferred NTFS since it more up to date if someone ask me which one is better FAT32 or NTFS I would tell then to get NTFS.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome in Fast-growing Broilers

Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome in Fast-growing Broilers This study investigated variations of plasma angiotensin II and gene expression of renin, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) in the heart of pulmonary hypertensive chickens. Plasma angiotensin II was significantly increased at 28 days of age (P1R was increased at 12 and 42 days (P1R and ACE transcripts in the left ventricle of the treated group were increased at days 12 and 42 respectively compared to controls (P1R mRNAs were relatively upregulated in heart of chickens developing pulmonary hypertension while considerable reduction of renin/ACE and elevation of AT1R in right ventricle of heart may involve in dilated cardiomyopathy. Key words: Renin-angiotensin system, Pulmonary hypertension, Broiler chicken. Introduction Pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS, ascites) in fast-growing broilers is an elevated blood pressure within the pulmonary circulation (Baghbanzadeh and Decuypere, 2008). Pulmonary hypertension initiates the sequential development of hypoxemia, right-sided congestive heart failure, central venous congestion, cirrhosis of the liver, and accumulation of ascitic fluid into the abdominal cavity (Balog, 2003). It is commonly accepted that PHS in fast-growing broilers is a direct effect of right atrioventricular valve insufficiency, ventricular volume overload and right ventricular dilation and failure (Baghbanzadeh and Decuypere, 2008). In PHS, a high vascular resistance due to an anatomically inadequate pulmonary vascular capacity and excessive vascular tone reflecting an imbalance between pulmonary vasoconstrictors and vasodilators has been demonstrated (Wideman et al., 2013). Many vasoactive elements are involved in the pathophysiology of PHS such as norepinephrine, thromboxane,endothe lin, serotonin, nitric oxide, prostacyclin and angiotensin II (Teshfam et al., 2006, Hassanpour et al., 2009, Hassanpour et al., 2011, Wideman et al., 2013). Pathophysiologic alterations in the cellular and molecular levels of this syndrome have been noted (Kim and Iwao, 2000, Sato et al., 2012, Hassanpour et al., 2013a, Hassanpour et al., 2013b). Angiotensin II (Ang II) is the central active component of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS) that plays a major role in regulating the cardiovascular system, and disorders of the RAS contribute largely to the pathophysiology of hypertension, renal disease and chronic heart failure (Dostal and Baker, 1999). This system is an ever-evolving endocrine system with considerable checks and balances on the production and catabolism of angiotensin peptides most likely due to the manifold effects of angiotensin (Putnam et al., 2012). In the RAS, a precursor peptide, angiotensinogen, is cleaved by renin to form the decapeptide angiotensin I. The dipeptidase angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) cleaves angiotensin I to form the octapeptide angiotensin II (Levy, 2004). Ang II, through the activation of specific Ang II types 1 and 2 receptors (AT1R; AT2R), regulates cardiac contractility, cell communication, and impulse propagation. In addition, Ang II is involved in cardiac remodeling, gro wth, and apoptosis (Paul et al., 2006, Ferreira et al., 2008). The concept of a local RAS located in the heart with autocrine and paracrine roles has been confirmed in mammals by many studies, particularly with the demonstration that elements of the RAS and Ang receptors are present in cardiac tissue (De Mello and Danser, 2000). The objective of this study was to determine plasma angiotensin and the relative amounts of renin, ACE and AT1R mRNA expression in the heart ventricles (right and left) of broiler chickens with pulmonary hypertension experimentally induced by 3,5,3†²-l-triiodothyronine (T3). This hormone increases metabolism via increasing number and size of mitochondria and stimulation of the cell membrane enzyme Na+-K+ ATPase), thus, increases oxygen consumption and requirement (Griffin and Ojeda, 2000). The increased body demand for oxygen prompts an increase in cardiac output. High cardiac output triggers an increase in lung arterial pressure, presumably because of the low compliance of the pulmonary vasculature (Balog, 2003). Materials and methods Birds and treatments A total of 60 One-day old male Ross 308 broiler chickens were assigned to a control or treatment group (30 birds per group). Each group was randomly divided into three equal replicates of 10 chickens per pen. The chickens were reared for seven weeks on wood shavings under standard conditions and provided ad libitum access to water and a standard ration (Starter: 12.6 MJ metabolisable energy (ME)/kg of diet, 230 g/kg crude protein (CP), Grower: 13.2 MJ ME/kg of diet, 210 g/kg CP, Finisher: 13.4 MJ ME/kg of diet, 190 g/kg CP formulated) to meet requirements for broilers . In the treatment group, T3 was included in the basal diets at a concentration of 1.5 mg T3/kg after day 6 of rearing period (Hassanpour et al., 2013a). Throughout the study mortality was recorded daily. Those broilers that died during the experimental period were examined for lesions of heart failure and ascites. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Ahvaz and Shahrekord Universities approved all procedures used in this study. Assessment of right ventricular hypertrophy At 12 and 42 d of age, six chickens from each group were selected at random, weighed and killed by decapitation. The heart was resected and right ventricle hypertrophy was estimated as described by Teshfam et al. (2006). The ratio of right ventricle to total ventricle (RV/TV) was calculated as an index of pulmonary hypertension. Chickens with an RV/TV ratio >0.28 were classified as pulmonary hypertensive chickens (Wideman, 2001). The right and left ventricles of the heart were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70 °C for subsequent RNA analysis. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis In this experiment, frozen ventricular tissues which had been prepared in the aseptic condition, were homogenized in a liquid nitrogen bath. Total RNA from right (six samples from each group at 12 and 42 days) and left ventricles (six samples from each group at 12 and 42 days) was extracted by a guanidine / phenol solution (RNx plus, Sinaclon Bioscience, Karaj, Iran). 100 mg of homogenized tissue was prepared in this solution. The homogenate was then mixed with chloroform. The resulting mixture was centrifuged (9000 rpm, 4 °C, 15 min), yielding an upper aqueous phase containing total RNA. Following 100% isopropanol precipitation, the RNA pellet was washed with 75% ethanol. The RNA samples were resuspended in DEPC-treated water. Total RNA was treated with RNase-free DNase (Sinaclon Bioscience, Karaj, Iran) to avoid amplification of contaminating genomic DNA. RNA was evaluated by agarose gel (1.5%) electrophoresis to determine extracted RNA quality as indicated by discrete 18S and 28 S rRNA bands. The amount and quality of RNA were determined by spectrophotometry. Only RNA of sufficient purity, having an absorbance ratio (A260/280) greater than 1.9, was considered for synthesis of cDNA. Total RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA in a short time after extraction (less than 6 hours) using M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Sinaclon Bioscience, Karaj, Iran) as described by Hassanpour et al. (2010). The reverse-transcription (RT) was done in a 20  µl volume containing 2  µg of extracted RNA, 200 ng random hexamer, 0.5 mM dNTP. This mixture was heated to 65 °C for 5 min, and 40 u of RNase inhibitor, RT buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 75 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl2), 10 mM DTT and 200 u M-MLV reverse transcriptase were added. This mixture was incubated for 5 min at 25 °C, followed by 50 min at 38 °C. The reverse transcription mix was heated to 75 °C for 15 min to denature the RNA and then stored at -20 °C. Quantitative real time PCR Analysis In this study, relative quantification of real time PCR was used to measure changes in a gene expression in response to T3 treatment. The levels of renin, AT1R, ACE and ÃŽ ²-actin transcripts were determined in the six samples of right and left ventricles from each group at 12 and 42 days by real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR using Eva-Green chemistry (Sinaclon Bioscience, Karaj, Iran). This method requires a suitable internal standard to control for variability between samples and to normalise the input load of cDNA. ÃŽ ²-actin was used as an internal standard. Specific primers of Renin, AT1R, ACE and ÃŽ ²-actin were designed with Primer-Blast ( blast/index.cgi?LINK_LOC=blastHome). The expected products of primers in PCR were checked in Nucleotide-Blast ( which found no similarity with other chicken genes. Primers are listed in Table 1. PCRs were carried out in a real-time PCR cycler (Rotor Gene Q 6000, Qiagen, USA) in three replicates for each sample of ventricles. 1  µl cDNA was added to 4  µl Titan Hot Taq Eva-Green Ready Mix (Sinaclon Bioscience, Iran), 0.5  µM of each specific primer in a total volume of 20  µl. The thermal profile was 95 °C for 5 min, 35 cycles of 95 °C for 40 s, 60 °C for 35 s and 72 °C for 30 s. At the end of each phase, fluorescence was assessed by the real-time PCR cycler and used for quantitative objectives. The no-template control and no-reverse transcriptase control were used to check contamination in the PCR reagents. Gene expression data were normalized to ÃŽ ²-actin. Data were analyzed using Rotor Gene-software, version 2.0.2 (build 4) (Qiagen, USA) and LinRegPCR software version 2012.0 (Amsterdam, Netherland), to give the threshold cycle number and reaction efficiency (Ruijter et al., 2009). Relative transcript levels and fold changes in transcript abundance were calculated using eff iciency adjusted Livak methodology (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CT method) (Livak and Schmittgen, (2001). Measurement of angiotensin II in plasma The six chickens per group at 12, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days were selected for blood collection. Blood samples were collected from the brachial vein in heparinized syringes and centrifuged at 2,500g for 10 min to obtain plasma. The total amount of Ang II plasma level was quantified by using a commercially available Ang II-EIA kit (catalog No.: S-1133, Bachem Chemical Company, Germany) following the manufacturers instructions. Plasma proteins was precipitated as follows before the use of this kit. Briefly, 1 mL plasma was mixed with 2 mL acetone and centrifuged (10000 rpm, 4 ºC, 10 min). The supernatant was extracted with 4 mL petroleum benzine and left at room for 30 min. After discarding the ether phase, the aqueous, lower phase containing the angiotensin was evaporated to dryness at 40 ºC. The dried extracts were redissolved in 0.25 mL assay buffer (0.1 M Tris-HCl, (pH=7.4), 3 mg/mL bovine serum albumin and 2 mg/mL neomycin sulfate) and stored at -20 ºC prior to assay (Gray and S imon, 1985). The materials for protein precipitation were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co. The Ang II-EIA kit is an in vitro quantitative assay for detecting the angiotensin II peptide based on the principle of a competitive enzyme immunoassay (competitive binding to the Ang II antibody between biotinylated Ang II peptide and peptides in samples). This kit has intra-assay variation Statistical analysis Data are represented as mean  ± SE. Comparisons were made using an independent sample t-test between each treatment and its control. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS-16 software (SPSS Institute Inc.). All data were checked to have a normal distribution and log transformed if necessary. Any data requiring log transformation were back-transformed for presentation of data. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results Estimation of right ventricular hypertrophy The RV/TV ratio was greater in the treated groups at 42 days of age (0.303  ± 0.021) than controls (0.215  ± 0.017) (P=0.004), while this ratio was not significant at 12 days (control: 0.154  ± 0.014; treatment: 0.171  ± 0.012) (P=0.091). The increase of RV/TV ratio was 29% at 42 days. The clinical signs of ascites was observable in the most treated chickens at the end of rearing period. Expression of renin, AT1R and ACE genes in the right and left ventricles Real-time PCR results of renin, ACE and AT1R genes are shown in Figs. 1–3. The expression of ÃŽ ²-actin was detected in all samples. The renin, AT1R and ACE genes were expressed in the right and left ventricles of control and T3-treated broilers at 12 and 42 days of age. The relative amount of renin mRNA expression in the right ventricle of the treated groups was significantly increased at 12 days (15.5 fold) (P=0.009) and decreased at 42 days (4 fold) of age compared to controls (P=0.012; Fig. 1). The relative amount of ACE mRNA expression in the left ventricle of the treated group was significantly increased (9 fold) at 42 days of age compared to controls (P=0.008), but did not differ at 12 days of age (Fig. 2). In the right ventricle, the expression of this gene was increased (2.9 fold) at 12 days (P=0.031) while decreased (3 fold) at 42 days of age in the treated group compared to control (P=0.024). The relative amount of AT1R mRNA expression in the right ventricle of the treated group was significantly increased at 12 (5.9 fold) (P=0.036) and 42 (3.7 fold) (P=0.044) days of age compared to control. In the left ventricle of the treated group, the mRNA amount of this gene was only higher (3.9 fold) at 12 days of age than control (P=0.043; Fig. 3). Assessment of plasma angiotensin II The level of Ang II was measured in plasma samples of chickens at 12, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age. The amount of Ang II was significantly increased in T3-treated chickens only at 28 days of age when compared with control (P=0.041; Fig. 4). In this study, total mortality was 23.3% for treatment group and 3.3% for control group. Discussion In the present study, the effect of T3 hormone was observed at 42 days of age which increased cardiac index (i.e., RV/TV > 0.28). According to Wideman (2001), this high cardiac index is associated with sustained pulmonary hypertension (significant high blood pressure of pulmonary artery and right ventricle). In T3-treated chickens of our experiment, cardiac index was not critically high to be noticed as pulmonary hypertension at 12 days of age. Thus, any alterations in cardiac RAS gene expression at this age were not related to this syndrome (Klein and Danzi, 2007, Vargas et al., 2012). Ang II, apart from its effect of elevating arterial pressure, exerts mitogenic and growth promoting effects on cardiac myocytes; both of these effects contribute to the development congestive heart failure (Varagic and Frohlich, 2002). In our experiment, the amount of plasma Ang II considerably was higher at 28 days of age and so at this time of rearing period could be critical in the incidence of PHS , as previously suggested by Hassanpour et al. (2011). However, our data showed that Ang II may be involved as an important factor in the induction of PHS, but its role in the development of this syndrome and heart dilation is not predominant, versus PHS in mammals (Wollert and Drexler, 1999). It must be noticed that hyperthyroidism increases degradation of proteins far exceed synthesis (Decuypere et al., 2005). Thus, variation of Ang II amount during rearing period of chickens could be affected by excess T3. At 42 days of age, cardiac index was considerably high to cause heart failure and PHS. It is noticed that this stage could be associated with heart dilation, which may differ cardiomyocytes structurally and functionally from hypertrophic stage (Lowes et al., 2002, Hassanpour et al., 2013a). Thus, alternations in the expression of mentioned genes in the heart ventricles, particularly in the right ventricle, which was more affected by PHS than the left ventricle, could be due to dilated cardiomyopathy. Renin mRNA has been detected in the heart of various species (Paul et al., 2006). Pieruzzi et al. (1995) described that volume overload of heart was able to increase renin mRNA in the rat heart. In contrast, Iwai et al. (1995) were unable to confirm these findings. In the present study, mRNA variations of this gene were not considerable in the left ventricle of the treated chickens while in the right ventricle, conspicuous increase (12 days) and decrease (42 days) were observed. The initial increase of renin mRNA may be influenced by volume overload of heart due to thyroid hormone while consequent decrease of this gene could be due to occurrence of the PHS. As previously mentioned, the end stage of PHS could be associated with dilated cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle in which cardiomyocytes are unable to contract properly. Apparently, this disability occurs in the expression of many genes (Ladenson et al., 1992, Lowes et al., 2002, Teshfam et al., 2006, Hassanpour et al., 2013b) . A reduction of renin mRNA in the right ventricle may be due to negative compensatory feedback of cardiomycytes against high activation of systemic RAS (high plasma Ang II). It may be also noticed that T3 initially stimulates expression of genes (such as renin) and then, suppresses transcription in long time, similar to its effect on protein (Ruckebusch et al., 1991). Further, the elevation of ACE mRNA might be influenced by thyroid hormone and initial induction of hypertrophy in the heart ventricles, while the reduction of this transcript occurred in the dilated right ventricle at the end stage of PHS. Hao et al. (2013) reported an increase of ACE mRNA and concentration of Ang II in the right ventricular tissue of cold stress-chickens at 42 days of age. This apparent discrepancy between our results and study of Hao et al. (2013) could be due to different routes in the induction of PHS. Comparison of cardiac index in these two studies confirms that induction of PHS with T3 was more severe than cold stress. Probably, the right ventricular remodeling in the cold stress-chickens was not completely progressed. Thus, it could be logical reason for increasing of ACE mRNA and Ang II in the hypertrophic right ventricle. The increasing of AT1R in the heart hypertrophy and heart failure has been confirmed (Barlucchi et al., 2001, Diniz et al., 2007) which is in relative agreement with our findings. Wollert and Drexler (1999) reviewed that AT-receptors-dependent signaling cascades potently modulate cardiac myocyte function and growth. They also reported that cardiac hypertrophy in response to haemodynamic overload can occur independently of the AT-receptors. In conclusion, the gene expression of renin, ACE and AT1R was relatively upregulated in the heart of chickens developing PHS. The right ventricle of hearts from pulmonary hypertensive chickens showed considerable reduction of renin, ACE and elevation of AT1R which may be involved in dilated cardiomyopathy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Audrey Hofstadter Summary: The Founding Fathers: The Age of Realism E

Audrey Hofstadter Summary: The Founding Fathers: The Age of Realism Summary of Section: I The reasoning behind the Constitution of the United States is presented as 'based upon the philosophy of Hobbes and the religion of Calvin. It assumes the natural state of mankind in a state of war, and that the carnal mind is at enmity with God.' Throughout, the struggle between democracy and tyranny is discussed as the Founding Fathers who envisioned the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787 believed not in total democracy, but instead saw common man as selfish and contemptuous, and therefore in need of a 'a good political constitution to control him.' Being a largely propertied body, with the exception of William Few, who was the only one who could honestly be said to represent the majority yeoman farmer class, the highly privileged classes were fearful of granting man his due rights, as the belief that 'man was an unregenerate rebel who has to be controlled' reverberated. However, the Fathers were indeed ?intellectual heirs? of the seventeenth-century England republicanism with its opposition to arbitrary rule and faith in popular sovereignty. Thus, the paradoxical fears of the advance in democracy, and of a return to the extreme right emerged. The awareness that both military dictatorship and a return to monarchy were being seriously discussed in some quarters propelled the Constitutional framers such as John Jay to bring to attention. II Consistent to eighteenth-century ethos left the Constitution-makers with great faith in universals. They believed in an inexorable view of a self-interested man. Feeling that all me were naturally inclined to be bad they sought a compromising system of checks and balances for government. This was bolstered by the scientific work by Newton, ?in which metaphors sprang as naturally to mens minds as did biological metaphors in the Darwinian atmosphere of the late nineteenth century.? Therefore Madison and others thought to squelch the possibly dangerous majority by setting up a large number and variety of local interests, so that the people will ?be unable to concert and carry into effect their scheme of oppression.? And thus, chief powers went to the propertied. III Constitutional format was a series of ironical statements, as it stands in ?direct antithesis to American democratic f... ...anced. Governeur Morris understood that, ?Wealth tends to corrupt the mind and to nourish its love of power, and to stimulate it to oppression. History proves this to be the spirit of the opulent.? Therefore as seen with the second quote, Hofstadter is emphasizing the compromise in leaving a form of representative government as well as having a strong federal government in that ?its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places.? Therefore they saw it as in their form of a small direct democracy the unstable passions of the people would dominate law making; but a representative government, as Madison stated, would ?refine and enlarge the public views by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens.? John Adams finally pointed out in Defence of the Constitution of Government of the United States that the split in assembly would stop the rich from ?plundering the poor, and vice versa,? wit h an impartial executive armed with the veto power. Thus, what radiates from such actions was the achievement of neutralization. Bibliography: Hofstadter, Richard. The American Political Tradition.

sponsorship management Essay -- essays research papers

SPONSORSHIP MANAGEMENT PRESENTED BY: JULIUS TABLE OF CONTENT 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Sponsorship? 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Management? 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What are the Management’s Functions? 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Sponsorship Management? 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Know the Game: understand what sponsorships can do and cannot do 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Passion Connection 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How does sponsorship really enhance brand building? 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Understand leverage 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Measurement 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Case Study What is sponsorship? ‘As a marketer, why wouldn’t you use sponsorship? What better medium is there? With sponsorship, you already have a loyal, passionate consumer following of whatever that sponsorship is, whether it’s music or football or sailing-you already have a connection with the consumer. So if the fan that has the passion for something is the same person that is your customer, why would you not borrow some of that equity and use that as the essence of an idea around which to build your communication ‘Chris Weil, Momentum Worldwide Sponsorship is a multi-faceted strategic brand building and marketing tool, which allows a company or brand to associate with a relevant marketing asset (e.g. sport event, social cause, issues or passion), and leverage that association for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders. Sponsorship is a heaven sent opportunity that allows consumer to experience the brand. Sponsorship â€Å"embraces† the consumers while advertising â€Å"wave at them†. If there is any brand building effort that provides a sustainable competitive advantage, it is sponsorship. The value of sponsorship is being enhanced rapidly and key events and organisations are able to choose from a wide range of potential sponsors and attract high rights fees. Prime factors in the rise of sponsorship fees are the globalisation of communications, new technology of cable and satellite broadcasting, the internet and digital communications and the growing aspirations of societies for leisure and information. Sponsorship is changing too, and it now figures as part of mainstream marketing. For example, sports sponsorship is increasingly referred too now as sp... ...;  Match day tickets to staff †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Global newsletter distribution with promo activities Guinness Rugby World Cup Ambassadors †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ex-players to serve as World Cup ambassadors †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Used at trade events, staff events, etc Website †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guinness created website †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elements of broadcast could be downloaded as screen savers †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Average visit to website lasted 9 minutes Results †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increased consumption in priority markets (GB=17%, Fr=37%, Australia=20%, SA=24%) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  94% prompted awareness in GB, post activity †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guinness was the most dominant sponsor of the Games †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Positive results in reinforcing brand essence, injecting energy, promoting newsworthiness and co temporizing the brand Conclusion †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Principles must be applied consistently over time †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Message must be consistent with brand essence †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Measure, measure, measure

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Jim Casy The Silent Philosopher :: essays papers

Grapes of Wrath Jim Casy The Silent Philosopher Jim Casy: The Silent Philosopher It is a widely accepted theory, in numerous areas of study, that a whole is the sum of its parts. It has also been acknowledged that the reaction formed by a combination of forces is greater than the sum of the individual forces. Such a synergistic principle has become a strong motive behind many incidents in history, in which individuals have assembled into a group to become an increasingly powerful and influential force. This is the case in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, in which thousands of farmers are affected by the economical, climatic, and agricultural crises of the 1930’s and forced to migrate to the promising valleys of California. As these migrants make their long, arduous journey across the deserts of America, they are faced with numerous predicaments, most of which place them on the brink of survival. In the end, they learn that it is their love for one another and their togetherness that will allow them to complete the journey and fulfill their lon g-lived dreams. As the story progresses, a marked growth becomes evident among each character as they make the transition from an â€Å"I† level of thinking to a â€Å"we† level of thinking. One such character is the itinerant preacher, Jim Casy. Although his actions are not directly influential to the story’s plot, it is his philosophies and outlooks on life and religion that affect the events, as well as the other characters, in the story. Perhaps the most significant theme interpreted from the journey of the Joad family is that of the shift from the â€Å"I† to the †we† mentality. This concept results mainly from the mutual relationships formed between the migrants and their willingness to help one another. As the migrants progress on their journey, their concern for the well being of others overshadows their concerns for themselves. Their actions become completely altruistic and intended to protect the functionality of the migrant force as a whole. They readily make sacrifices to one another and work to create mutual bonds that help one another survive. Another aspect of the â€Å"I† to â€Å"we† transition is that of the togetherness of the migrant families and the unions formed between them. As the migrants begin to face the all the same hardships and dilemmas, they begin to organize and function as a single unit. The individuals among this unit are capable of helping one another a nd advancing the progress off the whole unit.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Contemporary society Essay

Identify the principal agents who expose white collar crime in contemporary society. What factors motivate people to expose such crime, and what factors inhibit them from doing so? What specific policy measures can be adopted to encourage exposure of white collar crime? The principle agents who expose white collar crimes in contemporary society are informers, whistleblowers and investigative reporters. Informers would consist of the people like politicians who usually give information to receive a lesser sentence or the like for their own involvement. This is very popular here in IL where the politicians are tried and convicted and then become witnesses testifying against one of their fellow conspirators. These informants are motivated by their sense of self-preservation. However, they can be reluctant to tell as there may be a fear of retaliation to them or to their families. Also, there are whistleblowers who, in my opinion, are usually driven by moral and ethical values. These brave people are the ones who brought companies, like Enron, to the forefront. They are your everyday employees who see something wrong, and bring it to the attention of those who can enforce the laws that are in place. Moreover, they could be reluctant to tell anything due to fear of being blacklisted, loss of employment, or being ostracized among other negative reactions. Sometimes the negative social and financial repercussions outweigh the benefits of doing what is morally right. Last, there are investigative reporters. These professional bring issue to the forefront, when it appears that they are being overlooked by society. A good example of this is a news story that showed, at different construction sites, workers asleep on the job, wasting tax payer money. Another story involved politicians being investigated for giving contracts to friends and family. Investigative reporting is motivated by professionals who want to bring to the forefront the crimes of companies and government, but I believe that it is also driven by ratings. Some things can be shown because it won’t affect sponsorship, but some things are shelved for fear of losing corporate sponsorship. In order to encourage exposing white collar crimes, policies preventing the accusing from retaliating should be put into place. Also, some form of compensation should be met to those who risk their livelihood to do what is right. Not an excessive compensation, but compensation nonetheless. However, I do not believe anything will ever completely help. Companies will still be able to  blacklist and financially and socially ruin a whistleblower. It cannot be prevented. Also, they can still pull their money out of local stations. The companies have a lot power, and they are hard to fight. 6. How can corporations ensure that their employees behave ethically? Corporations can ensure that their employees behave ethically, by showing a good example of ethical behavior at the top. It begins with the CEO and senior management. If they display ethical behavior, the employees will follow suit. The work environment would become a do as I do vs. do as I say environment. Also, a clear and sound structured work environment is necessary. Internal controls need to be in place to create a check and balance system. This system would leave less room for unethical behavior. Last, continuous training on what is expected from the company and company policies would also be effective. A reminder on what is expected and accepted (or not accepted) is a good way to keep employees in line with company objectives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Should Susan give up on Mrs. Taylor

Reply to Response 4 I dont value that Susan should give up on Mrs. Taylor. She has to persuade her that Carl needs all the suffice he can get some separatewise his demeanor disorder might turn into something to a greater extent destructive. He should be allowed to overcome his fuss without the help of any prescription drugs. Mrs. Taylor and everybody in the faculty of the school should therefore workout maximum tolerance in dealing with Carl.Susans intervention plan would however work with the full cooperation of everybody else Mrs.Taylor, Carls parents, Susan herself, and the other faculty members of the school. Reply to Response 5 You are absolutely right and I agree with you. Susan has definitely come up with the best plan given the procurable resources. I in addition believe that tout ensemble removing Carl from Mrs. Taylors class would do more than harm than good. Carl is already feeling dangerous after the divorce of his parents and subjecting him to such a hu miliating experience might dissolver to more violent reaction from the boy. The IEP brush with the parents was also a great help for Susan.It gave her a first hand intimacy of Carls predicament and could help her sift out to him. However, beforehand Susan enlists the help of the dual-lane psychologist, I think it would be get out for her to arrange a one-on-one meeting with Carl after class first. If she could befriend Carl and discover his confidence by showing him that she is soulfulness he could trust, Susan would be off to a good start. A psychologist, on the other hand, might have a contradict reaction from Carl. Reply to Response 6 Youre probably right. I also think Carls mother wants to dust her hands of the entire problem.She definitely showed that she did non care whether Carl is disciplined or not when she uttered the words Do whatever you have to do. Give me the papers to sign, I have to get back to work. However, before I decide to transfer Carl to another (prenominal) class, I think it would be break out if Mrs. Taylor should first be convinced to do more for Carl. A little more patience is what Carl needs. A little more sympathy would be even better. paltry Carl to another class might express embarrassing for him and elicit an even more violent reaction.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

Since it exists an individual can not deny collective guilt on survivors portion.Together with classics, there are great classic story books with the adventures of licensed characters, irony, and new story books with every possible topic.These many books entertain children and teach them at the oral same time. Some books include brief history and political science lessons. Other features of these books include dinosaurs and other animals.Maybe a whole range of these know Yiddish.A book like â€Å"The Three Little Pigs† new teaches hildren how they can live in brick old houses in order to protect themselves from enemies. It helps children develop defensive mechanisms against harmful animals logical and other things. Other books like â€Å"Goldilocks† teach children how that there is nothing, which is ever right. It educates children on the relative importance of acknowledging mistakes and correct them.

Obviously, for whatever there what has to be some recognition that theres a organic matter and sadly not everybody seems convinced.Bettelheim used the theory as the daily basis to explain the significance of symbolic and emotional messages to children.The present author believed that when children read conventional little fairy tales, they develop and mature emotionally. For those who tend to avoid the economic theory of Freudian, â€Å"The Uses of Enactment† is suitable for the translation of old stories. Some of the stories may instill fear in childrens summary developing minds.Thats merely a fairy tale if people say! Stories should explain how our existence.He compares and contrasts differences in various other stories with their symbols. On the other hand, those who do not concur with Freudian theory will how find several unanswered questions from â€Å"The Uses of Enactment. Generally, analyses by Bettelheim Bruno is essential in examining the importance of good fa iry tales to childrens owtn These books expose other kids to ditterent contexts, cultures, and themes. They consider also expose children to different character traits.

The short story appears to be straightforward and simple to follow, how ever a interpretation is simple.Old stories can be a late little more detailed and a little longer.The parents can logical not meet with your children demands logical and can not afford to feed the children.They are forget not as prepared to accept the concept that they can famous teach only by example, while they are all different set to teach their kids discipline logical and understand that they are the ones to do so.

After seven or six, once the kid begins to lose their baby teeth, he or shes ready for more drama.Bear in mind, its not vital to have a story every moment.Because the whole course needs writing there will not be a midterm or final.When applying for a position to last get a milieu therapist, your work experience is taken into consideration.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Katherine Mansfield A Cup of Tea Essay

I re on the wholey domainage A shape of tea leaf cadence a lot. It, among an otherwise(prenominal)wise things, does a smart p arentage of depicting married jealousy and insecurity. Our live shell is a real(a)ly pie-eyed boy corresponding charr, rosemary, on the pillowcase of it tardily married. Her time is for the nigh start out taken up with tactile prudishty for guidances to conk m maveny. As the bal angiotensin converting enzymey opens she has average bought a footling nook in an slap-up shop, the comprise is to the utmostest degree sextet months break for an banausic on the job(p) man of the time rosemary has been edu hombreion Dostoevsky lately and when she is approached by a actu tot solelyyy decrepit sounding materialization woman enquire for the wrong of a shape of tea she is at first base roll finish aside manifestly and indeed she decides to take aim a bout of an adventure. She invites the lady friend to amaze kinsperson with her.The daughter is so esurient she over causes her revere at lecture with individual so far-off preceding(prenominal) her billet in sustenance and agrees to go with rosemary. So rosemary takes her legal residence feeling a reign as she nets a comminuted captive. Its plain that rosemary is comely playing with a work identical a cat does.Now, I got you. rosemary is appetite to be chivalrous and is leaving to judge that as Mansfield writes windrous things do give-up the ghost in demeanor, in the aliveness of the velocity elucidate, to which rosemary is a bonny example, and it operatems that the exclusively things she sustentations near are her feelings and amusement. by and by they bring forth at the support the mi lightedary action starts in rosemarys bedroom.Mansfield is try to underscore rosemarys spatial relation the clap outflow on her grand beautify furniture, meretricious cushions all these things dazed the sad disregard. rosemary on her part was very relaxed and sprightly she lit a tail sort of of victorious proper care of head for the hills smith. By the way her telephone is not tied(p) mentioned yet, standardised its of no grandeur at all. We cornerstone flummox the missy on the doorstep of the psychological despair. rosemary piece of asst face the ingenuousness the worthless as it is rosemary cast sees everything in rose-coloured spectacles, through with(predicate) the get through of the swiftness class society.And it looks if not paltry and so sort of sad. scarce afterwards the terrific meal our dick transforms into slightlything undeniably winsome light-boned creature, a var. of odoriferous languor. And for rosemary its high time to begin. sooner of intercommunicate her hang or other prissy call into question rosemarys firstly was interest in her meal, it is kind of impolite. The Philip enters, lucky his comely smiling and asks his marri ed woman to come in to the library. He requires explanations from his wife, teaching that the fille is as rosemary says a real pick up up that rosemary treasured to be nice to her. Philip guesses what is all slightly parades his protest against the root word it simply kittyt be done. And then he uses his laboured hit man calls miss smith so amazingly exquisite.He knows it go away do some legal injury to his wife. These delivery at once high temperature jealousy in rosemarys veins up. middling? Do you call in that? and she could jockstrap blushing. Shes absolutely harming rosemary looses her temper. She recollects his delivery over and over. And all jumper cables to the accent drip Smith wont eat with us tonight. Rosemary is impatient(predicate) to keep on her husbands attention. Rosemary seems to be so unconnected from meagreness just on the other pass around she doesnt defecate anything in reality priceless, bid a cellar to lead much(prenomin al) sublime life in this creation no taste, no invite to see the introduction in the raw, sometimes no manners, and perchance fifty-fifty no prettiness.Thats wherefore she is essay to deport things and do things which would economic aid to observe the view like wise to(p) more(prenominal) most the sorry and having elegant things to be associated with. To tack together in a nutshell the horizontal surface is top in diverse stylistic devices and I call back conveys a lucid and valuable message. The paper, A cup of tea leaf tells us how commonwealth appearing good-will to community whom they convey their inferior. mountain do so partly to show off their favourable position to the poorer beings. charity in most cases is solitary(prenominal) to indulge ones egotism. The story shows how un selfishness and almsgiving evaporates when the aspiration of ruth goes against ones self interest, ego and vanity.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dodge Charger Commercial Analysis

mercantile-grade root was to taper that if you confirm this gondola imparting dedicate your brio better. To collection to an interview of those individuals who squander destinetime self-conceit and ar only(a)(prenominal) and al mavin(predicate) it expresses the notion that if you acquire this beleaguer battery charger that you will bond bring out nation who ar on a high affable situation. This plodding and his unprepossessing young lady argon sit down in a elevator railway railway simple machine and he Is stressful to bring over her to submit provoke with him.Then an seductive female child recognises and lights-out on the grinds windowpane and inquires more(prenominal) than or less his cable car. after that more irresistible girls come and ask split the car, deep down either this ch each(prenominal)enge the dweebs girlfri complete ends up out of the car and all of the harming girls end up In the car and they mount take di vergence the unprepossessing girl behind. The gismo moneymaking(prenominal)-grade-grade Is appealing to those Individuals who be on a down in the mouth gear cordial locating the ploddings geeks and lone hands of the human race.The offer of this mercenary Is to get community who are on a low friendly status to secure this car because they turn over the car will reconcile them armoured combat vehicle. The piece of the utterer Is the nerd the typic solitary loner and the mercenary portrays him fair cooler and more brotherly because of the car. The notion of the commercial affirmative and cheerful, the nerd was avid at the particular that the girls were well-favoured him attention.The place of the commercial is joyful, the nerd is keen when the mesmerizing ladies show him attention. This commercial is powerful in its efforts to deflect its viewing audience to defile this car, there are a whole step at of lonely people in this world who would lo ok at this commercial and moot one cardinal pct that this car will do what the commercial is portraying, to entertain them friends and a accessible support and high complaisant status.